what may happen to your body during meditation?

“Mediation means dissolving the invisible walls that unaware has built” – Sadhguru

Meditation has became very popular in recent years. We are turning more into non-conventional medicine and ways to support our nervous system and overall well-being. But how much do we know about meditative state and what effect it has on our body?

Firstly we need to look as how to meditate. Especially at the beginning of your journey with meditation, you may not be able to do it in your living room when your spouse is watching TV, and kids playing with the dog. Try to find a peaceful space, where you can stay uninterrupted for a little while. While there are “hardcore” monks that can meditate for hours almost everywhere, and still enter the blissful state that meditation can give you, we want to keep it simple for us , to fully enjoy this deep practice.

When you find your space , you can light up some candles, burn some sage or paolo santo, to energetically clear the room. You can also open the window for a few minutes , to let the old energy leave the room.

This ritual , can be very satisfying, and bring calmness even before meditation. It’s like taking care of yourself and your surrounding.

Now , sitting comfortably with your spine long and crown of the head lifted. you can close your eyes or watch candle flame burn. Take a few deep diaphragmatic breaths, and allow your thoughts to come , and pass. Do not judge or focus on your thoughts, let them fly away.

When you finally notice getting out of your head, and become more aware of your body sensations , listen to them. Notice where your body holds tension, what is the temperature, what is that you feeling within.

As you clear your thoughts and continue your journey within you will notice, pulsations and vibrations , energetic flow through your energy channels.

You are entering this blissful state of relaxation.

But what actually happens in your body?

  1. Brain waves change - You brain normally operates in Beta mode (12-38 Hz) This is happening during normal daily activities , such as work, school, being awake. During meditation your brain waves slowing down dramatically. Most people can enter Alpha waves, associated with relaxation. During this part of the brain - amygdala- the “fight or flight” centre, begin to shrink. Anxiety neurotransmitters may decrease, whereas the pleasurable neurotransmitter dopamine may increase.

    Theta waves are associated with deep relaxation , zen meditation. One of the ways to achieve this state is sound healing or some martial arts , mindful practices. These alter states of the brain , can help you fight overthinking , anxiety and close the loop of fight/flight responses.

    2. Your body may move/stretch intuitively

    You may have noticed , that sometimes during meditation your body starting to move or stretch itself. Unless the movement causing you pain, there is noting to worry about. Deep relaxation of the nervous system can unblock some of the stagnant energy in your body. That in turn can cause this energy move , to be released. This is when you feel like your head is turning to the side or maybe a trembling or chills coming up your spine. Try not to focus on them , and don’t judge. They will eventually stop on their own, once the blockage is released.

    3. You may experience pain

    While it sounds not so good, it may be a good sign. This can mean , that by meditating, you have addressed some unresolved trauma , that now is starting to heal. It may also mean that some form of healing is taking place, as your cells regenerating. However if you are concerned about this experience , talk to your doctor.

    4. You may experience loss of connection to your body

    In alter states of the consciousness, you may experience forms of dissociation from reality. This is completely normal for long terms practitioners. You are essentially connecting with the primal form of energy , which you are and may notice the loss of connection with your physical body. While we can’t operate on the astral plane in every day life, feeling the sense of unity with the Universe, can help you understand your true purpose and potential.

    Manifesting your desires on astral plane, can result with them materialising on physical plane.

In my personal experience all of the above, happened to me and while some weren’t pleasant, I understood that this is the part of the meditation journey. Always bring the following affirmations to your mind, if you getting a little anxious about what is happening to you.

I am here and now and I am safe

I am experiencing beautiful connection with divine consciousness

I love my body and trust it’s wisdom

I am deeply connected to the wisdom of the Universe

I am experiencing growth and deeper connection within

I am immortal being and fear noting

With love from Aga


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